SuperShield Fabric Protector


You can’t see or smell SuperShield® carpet protector —
but its presence protects your investment.

SuperShield carpet protector offers superior soil protection and repellency that helps reduce maintenance and allows for easy clean-up. Your carpets stay cleaner, brighter, and fresher longer because you’ve protected your investment.

jands_carpet-protection-with-supershieldSuperShield gives you extra time to clean up and remove spills and dirt before they are absorbed into the carpet, with less wicking and spreading of stains.

The carpet industry recommends the application of carpet protectant after each cleaning on all carpet types, including those with built-in soil and stain protection.

J&S Steamway will apply SuperShield to your freshly cleaned carpet and groom it into the pile with our professional grooming tools, allowing it to fully seal the fibers. Vacuuming will be more effective in removing the soil that damages carpet fibers, resulting in permanent traffic patterns.

No odor or residue


Family and Pet safe

CFC free

Wool safe

SuperShield is a premium product developed by MasterBlend®. It is formulated to meet or exceed all established standards of wool fiber producers and fifth generation stain resistant carpet manufacturers.

For additional information or a free estimate, please call J&S Steamway at 907-349-0911.